Bootstrapped Business Marketing

for the female business owner who doesn't have time (or $$$) for bs



Your marketing plan is, well, wing it

Because you have no idea what else to do


You're jumping on marketing platforms simply because they're popular

But are you sure they're right for your business?


You're completely focused on getting new leads and, TBH, aren't sure what you'll do when they become customers

Even though it feels like being ready for customers is important


You're DIYing everything from your logo to your website to your copywriting

But you'd 100% get help (if you could afford it!)


Your marketing guidance comes from a lot of random places

And most of it feels expensive, overwhelming and like a bad fit for your specific business (aka: bs)

No audience? No clue?

No problem.

You don't have to be another new entrepreneur winging your marketing because you can't afford help yet.

It is possible to have fantastic small business marketing that doesn't demolish your budget, is almost fully automated and works for new lead generation as well as customer retention and referrals.

I'm SO in

your new business deserves

masterful sales marketing and automation

BUT... beware those all-in-one platforms that promise to include everything you need

(and conveniently don't tell you that a lot of it you could just get for free)

But force you to pay for a lot you don't need (and never will)

Are complicated to figure out, set up and use properly

Won't sync easily with outside software or platforms you end up needing to add later

Have terrible customer service when you need to troubleshoot

Customize your own marketing setup with exactly what your business needs (and nothing more)

Savvy Startup Marketer

The humanized, ultimate sales marketing course, coaching and community for new entrepreneurs.

Follow the B-A-S-E system for clear, organized, automated sales marketing that makes unbelievable sense for the early years of business.

easy marketing for a new business


Build your own customized, from-scratch (or new and improved), highly affordable marketing system complete with website, analytics, email, SEO and branding.


Integrate set-it-and-forget-it automation that attracts and nurtures new leads, PLUS learn the best FREE ways to keep them coming.


Put your marketing tasks on an easy, repeatable rhythm so you're more in control and not reinventing the wheel every other month.


Establish quick, sensible ways to read data, apply feedback and make continual improvements to your marketing and business for the smartest possible decision making.

Step 1: Build

Watch Lindsey's step-by-step (no-bs) website, analytics, SEO and email setup that you can immediately replicate for your own.

By the time you're done with this section, you'll have

  • A finished website with clear copy and SEO
  • Analytics ready to tell you how your marketing is performing
  • Email platform connected and ready for leads
  • Prepared your post-purchase workflows for killer customer-centered communication and referrals

Step 2: Attract

Put lead generation on autopilot using Lindsey's bootstrapped marketing methods for fast lead generation and sales growth

By the time you're done with this section, you'll have

  • Stretched your sales strategy skills
  • Created one or more powerful lead magnets
  • Set up the easiest automated ways to get leads
  • A clear plan for continued lead generation that isn't complicated (or force you to use platforms you're not comfortable with)

Step 3: Sync

Automate your regular marketing tasks by syncing up your rhythms and calendar so you don't burn time and energy in constant "what do I do next" mentality

  • Get clear on your plan and consistent in your execution
  • Get ultra organized
  • Stay accountable to your original goals and milestones
  • Prioritize the most effective sales methods and skip the time-wasters

Step 4: Evaluate

Establish easy ways to evaluate your marketing's progress so you can make informed decisions going forward

  • Get smart about what truly moves the needle
  • Avoid wasteful data point analysis
  • Use quick tracking and conclusion-making for wiser action
  • Learn how to guide your business forward

Hi, it's Lindsey.

Me and your future entrepreneur besties are waiting - for you!

In 2019, I left a 10-year, ladder-climbing corporate marketing career to launch my own full-service agency. I've given comprehensive (everything from website design to copywriting to CRM building to video scripting to SEO to email) services to clients for over 7 years now.

In building my own business on a shoestring budget, plus working with female business owners trying to create a very DIY business dream, I realized there's a massive gap in marketing world.

The how-to marketing advice for the small business owner isn't realistic for most small businesses.

What's more, business owners tend to default to the most obvious, highly advertised platforms and don't realize all the fantastic tools they could pull together to create a simple, highly automated and almost zero cost marketing system.

copywriting 101 workshop

So I thought, it's time to share my bootstrapped marketing secrets.

What you get when you enroll

Not that we're trying to decrease our 1:1 client partnerships, but this offers even more than hiring our agency

Savvy Startup Marketer

Get the entire course, complete with unlimited access

  • 6 hours of video lessons that include in-platform, detailed demonstrations for any technical level
  • 11 Downloadable, fillable guides and checklists you can use again and again for your business
  • Marketing skill trainings that include copywriting, branding, SEO and networking
  • Lifetime access to additional coaching and exclusive SSM student-only opportunities

Course list

Every essential marketing topic is covered

  • Branding
  • Messaging (copywriting)
  • Sales skills for the non-salesy personality
  • Website build demonstration
  • SEO demonstration
  • Google Analytics + search console
  • Google Business Profile
  • Email marketing
  • Automating (just about everything)
  • Lead generation
  • Automated customer retention + referrals program
  • Adding digital downloads
  • Scaling your leads and sales
  • and much more

"After working several years with Lindsey, I can say her common sense approach to the the buyer's journey along with her tenacity to stay educated on an ever-changing industry makes her a star in the field of marketing."

- Cindy

"I had a coaching session with Lindsey and took five pages of notes. She was full of knowledge, I'm amazed at how much information she was able to give me in such a short time.

- Crystal

"Lindsey is just amazing at what she does! I could not thank her enough for all of her help. She has helped me grow as a business owner and helping me find more successful ways of getting my message across to my clients."

- Kendra

How does it work, exactly?

Savvy Startup Marketer is a 6-hour course in total. Students commit to steady progress through the course, whatever that looks like for their personal schedule. All you have to do is make some extra room on your calendar, show up and get it done.

I want my marketing set up done
  • Enroll in the course
  • Reserve a few hours of time on your calendar for a week or two to make progress through the course
  • Finish your Savvy Startup set up and get access to continued coaching, workshops, added or updated lessons, support and partnership opportunities as an SSM student

Irresistible Enrollment Perks

Small group sessions

Get exclusive access to ongoing workshops and mastermind sessions on topics like market research, emerging sales trends, technical troubleshooting and more - ONLY for Savvy Startup students.

*NEW* Open Coaching Hours

Need a convenient way to contact your coach while you're working through the course? Jump straight into an open coaching hours Zoom with Lindsey - hosted at regular times weekly.

Purposeful partnerships

Partnerships and collaboration are a big way SSM students build their business sales, so of course we have to make sure we're including opportunities to make these vital connections within the program.

Finish your set up faster

Feel like it's going to take you forever to set up your marketing platforms and make them great? Remove the researching, second-guessing and slow progress of figuring it all out by yourself and knock out your foundational marketing set up so you can leap into selling - faster.

So all you've got is a business idea. Perfect.

Brand new to business ownership is an ideal place to be for Savvy Startup Marketer. No clue what to do next is the perfect position to be in, because Lindsey will tell you EXACTLY what to do in SSM.

Your business breakthrough is on the other side of you taking action.

Action Step 1

Say yes to investing in yourself as an entrepreneur, as well as your business' future success

Action Step 2

Build your business among friends who can cheer on and champion your efforts

Action Step 3

Make room to work ON your business and it will work FOR you

Sales Success is in the Set Up

Start smart and build a thriving business

Whether it's an idea, a side-hustle or a young business that hasn't taken off yet, your best entrepreneur life is on the other side of a few hours of focused effort.

It's 2024. Stop doing what can be automated

All those hours at your computer? They're not necessary. Take back your time with a major automation overhaul.

Customer-focused is the new lead generation

Build your business around happy customers and the sales will follow. Your Savvy System will turn the tables on the typical lead generation efforts that sink budgets and waste time.

You CAN get it all done in a few days. We'll help you focus so you can finish.

Yasss, Help me focus

Good Question

Is this only for brand new businesses?

Not at all. Many businesses are 3, 4, 5 years in and still lacking much of what Savvy Startup Marketer demonstrates and teaches. If you know your business could use some TLC, this program is for you.

What if I haven't quite launched but already have a lot of marketing set up?

Setting up marketing without professional guidance can be very wasteful, experimental and disappointing. With Savvy Startup, you will know far better what to do with the marketing you have and how to start truly generating sales PLUS automate as much as possible.

I'd love to do this but I can't afford it, are there ways to get a discount?

The point of Savvy Startup Marketer is to help you start earning strong revenue as soon as possible. If you're spending money on DIY marketing already or planning to do everything yourself, it's much more cost effective to invest in a method that makes sure you sell sooner. Essentially, your SSM investment should pay for itself.

BTW, there are opportunities to earn cash back once you finish the course, knocking the total cost down considerably ;)

How much time does this course require?

The Savvy Startup Marketer course is 6 hours total but that doesn't include your application time. We recommend blocking out 12-15 hours to go through the whole course and follow the system set up properly. Spread across 2-3 weeks, this time commitment is very manageable.

Does my access to the course ever expire?

Heck no! Students are enrolled for an unlimited time frame, so you can always go back and review lessons, refresh your skills and keep building on what you started. Plus, any updates made to the course in the future are automatically accessible to enrolled students.

Got another question? Email to get your answer :)

Lindsey's 10-Day Guarantee

Let's real talk, entrepreneur to entrepreneur.

I know you're counting on your course enrollment to bring your business more money, after all, that's the whole point, right? While I believe I'm offering proven expertise that absolutely will translate to less marketing headache and more sales, I also never want a new student to regret their purchase.

So if you're not confident the course is for you within the first 10 days after enrollment, you can get your money back - no questions asked (okay, there may be a short survey asking your reason so we can get that feedback - but it's totally optional).

Refund details are included in course enrollment communication. And no, we don't make it a big hassle to back out (like a lot of those all-in-ones ;)

Enroll and get started ✅

Enroll Now